Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Been a while.

Gosh, I can't remember the last time I posted on this blog. A couple of weeks ago I think. I am probably as bad as my friend Michael about posting on a blog. I honestly don't always see the point as I am probably the only person who will ever read this stuff. Maybe if I had a few thousand followers I would feel more inclined to write something down each day for them to think about but when it is just me I would rather meditate on the Lord, read my bible, or listen to some good music.

Lately I have been so busy preparing for ministry that I am jealous of any "free" time I get my hands on. I am very involved in the current church I attend, I have a busy job at The Mission Society, and I am planning to plant a church somewhere in the state of Georgia in less than two years so I have plenty to keep me busy. Two years sounds like a long time away but I know from experience it can sneak up on you and be there before you know it so I can't afford to sit around and let opportunities pass me by when they are available. I recently attended a free 2 hour seminar on Fund Raising with a member of my prayer team and that was very interesting. It made me really think about asking people to contribute to your cause. I will be attending another half day seminar next week that will cover things like "Selecting a prayer team", "Building a Board", "Administration", etc. Sometimes it is hard to sit through those things but they are necessary. When you have a calling that burns inside you just want to go out and "make it happen". God will find a way to get it done. We are anointed and appointed and ready to go out and tear up the world. Unfortunately we all too often overlook the preparation steps and time needed to develop the character and skills to really accomplish what God has called us to do. I have seen too many truly anointed and called people fail and not return to ministry because they refused to cooperate with the preparation period of their ministry. I have always used the "premature baby" idea of ministry to help them see the necessity of prep time. Anything that is born prematurely always needs extra care, extra expenses, extra time, etc, and some don't survive. Ministry is no different. If you get out of Gods incubator too soon you are almost doomed to fail. There is not that much force of personality and none of us are that good. So I am trying to patiently work though the prep time, develop the skills and character I need and learn the necessary steps I need to take to get there. Pray for me when you think of me. Thanks.
