Monday, December 29, 2008

Holiday Hangover

Well Christmas is over although the decorations are still up. New Years is only a couple of days away so the Holiday celebrations are not to the end. Please don't get me wrong, and don't mistake the title of the post as an indication of my partying over the holidays. Short of an occasional glass of wine I haven't had anything to drink for many, many years, certainly not enough to give me a buzz much less a hangover. When I say glass of wine that is what I mean, ONE glass of wine occasionally. But I do or am developing a Holiday Hangover of a different kind. Again, don't take this the wrong way because the holidays have been a lot of fun this year even with the economy in the tank the way it is. We have had several dinners with different couples and friends over. My daughter and the grandkids came over for dinner on Christmas eve and we opened presents with the grandkids. Church was great, all was well. But for some reason this just seems to be the holiday that never ends to me. I don't mean to be a Grinch, or unappreciative, and even with the tough times we were able to be a blessing to the kids, but for some reason I just want this season to end today, right now. Be gone, be over, I'm done with it. I led devotions at work this morning and in talking over some scripture I shared I think I discovered part of the reason. It has been such a busy season that I am afraid we have taken time to have fun and fellowship with everyone but God. And I am way tired of running in my strength and not getting a daily uplift from fellowshipping with the Lord every morning before my day begins. So pardon me if I sound more like Scrooge than Santa Claus, but I am really ready for the holidays to be over with so that I can get back to a more normal routine. What about you?

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

My Monthly Ramblings

Well it has been almost a month since I last posted so maybe this will turn out to be a monthly blog. Who knows. Blogging has never really been one of my passions and time constraints keep me from doing it on a daily basis, but it is good to sit down and let the thoughts sort of free flow for a little while to see where I am even with myself. Of course the holidays are such a busy time but we have also been very busy in daily activities. My wife and I are the Directors of the Deacon ministry at our church and we have a number of deacons who are now at the end of their term and desire to transition off. Therefore we now are interviewing and talking to a number of candidates to fill those positions as well as others to prepare for the growth that has been occurring in our church. I prefer to stay ahead of that game rather than fall behind and I am sure our current deacons do as well.
We have also continued to pray and plan for the launch of our own church in the spring of 2010. That is very time consuming. We are praying about and for prayer team members, board members, ministry name, 501c3 status, and many other facets to the launching of a new church. It is an interesting process and one that I would not have been prepared for just a few years ago. I do believe that the Lord has stretched us to the point where we can now believe Him to help us establish this church and to cause it to be a healthy, growing entity. So life is very busy right now and we wouldn't have it any other way. Speaking of busy, the Lunch Bunch is calling and I have to run out to Little Azio's for lunch with the gang. See ya later.
