Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Counter Strike and loss of sleep

It's early Tuesday morning and I am at work, on hold with Dell Customer Service. I have spoken to three people already, all of who asked me the exact same questions that none of them could answer. The fourth person has now transferred me to another phone number which went straight to voice mail, so I have basically spent the last 30 minutes on the phone on a useless adventure. Let me be quick to say that I have had nothing but great service from their Tech Support staff and their sales staff, but CS is seriously lacking. Oh yeah, those initials remind of the reason I started this post. Instead of Customer Service I wanted to talk about Counter Strike/Half Life. Some friends I worked with introduced me to this little addiction several years ago and I played it compulsively for hours at a time for a while. My home computer did not have the graphics power to support so I played on other computers. When they were no longer available I quit and haven't played for a couple of years. I have a new super fast PC at home now with the graphics to support the game so I reconnected to Steam and downloaded it last night, then promptly spent way too much time playing it again. So I needed coffee today, not green tea.

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