Friday, October 10, 2008

Blogging kills me

Well here it is October 10th and I haven't blogged since the 2nd. I am not really against blogging, I just don't know how you find time and material to blog daily unless you are getting paid to do it. Obviously since no one else is reading this material I am not interesting enough for anyone to pay me to do it, so I am not sure why there is such a huge amount of blogging going on. Perhaps I need to read more about blogging before attempting to do one. Or maybe blogging is really just a way to replace the old method of pen and paper journaling. Lot of folks used to keep journals and diaries on a daily basis. I guess a journal differs from a diary in some respects, mostly that a journal is recording things you are probably OK with someone else reading and a diary is a more personal, private means of keeping up with what is going on in your life. You might not be too disturbed if your parents found your journal (depending on what you are keeping up with in it) but you definitely didn't want them to find your diary. Your diary contained all of your secrets that you didn't want anyone to find out about. I wonder if anyone has done a study on why, if you didn't want anyone to find out about it, did you write it down in the first place. It's not like you really weren't intelligent enough to know that anyone who really wanted to could pick that little cheap lock and get in your diary.
Anyway, I am beginning to think that I a failure at blogging since I don't really write anything here everyday. I could make all kinds of excuses as to why. I am very busy doing things in the real world that don't leave me a great deal of time to spend in the cyber world, but that probably sounds cliche' so maybe I won't use that excuse. Maybe it is that there are other things that have priority for my time over blogging. Yeah, that's the ticket, I think I'll use that one. Oops, the real world is calling, gotta get back to it. Can you write more than one post to a blog in a day? Maybe I'll find out later. Seeya.

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